Saturday, February 5, 2011

CoCoNuTTy CupCakES

Last april I had the pleasure of going on vacation with my wonderful boyfriend and our two very good friends Dave and Vanessa. This week has been a little dreary here in this wonderful city of montreal. The winters are long and I've had enough!! Since there isn't much that can be done to change the weather I decided to find inspiration in that wonderful vacation I took last year in Cuba and I made some Coconutty Cupcakes. Why are they called Coconutty you ask?
Well while we were there, there were two little girls that has no toys to play with while the hung out at the pool, so they used a little imagination and played with a coconut for hours on end. And they called it Coconutty. I love how kids can turn anything around, it's definitely something we could all use a little more of. So I was inspired and now with all the snow that's falling there is no better way to wash away those winter blues!!
I've got 9 left for whoever is interested email
or if you happen to be in the mile end area stop in at B&M Restaurant 120 St.Viateur O.